Any Desk Module

It is identified with the following icon:


Any Desk is a special software that allows remote control of a computer.

At the same time that the software Pi.Cas.So. we are installing a portable version of Any Desk, to use just click on its module.

An interface will appear where two parts are separated by a horizontal line.

  • En este puesto de trabajo (This Desk).
  • Otro puesto de trabajo (Remote Desk).

In the first “en este puesto de trabajo” (This Desk), we will see an alpha-numeric sequence that corresponds to the ID of your computer and will allow you to control your computer by entering the sequence on another computer.

NOTE: if this is the first time you use it, a value of 0 may initially appear, you have to wait until the final sequence appears.

In the second “otro puesto de trabajo” (Remote Desk) allows us to enter the alpha-numeric sequence of another computer for its control.

When the remote device enters the sequence of its ID, a warning will appear for this connection.

You must click in to allow control.

At the end of the connection, if this is the first time you use this remote control software, you will receive a warning like the following:


The notice is to invite you to install the software, and in this way do not use the portable version, buy one already installed on your computer.

You can choose the option you consider It you do not accept, you can always use it from Pi.Cas.So as it did on this occasion clicking on the module.

If, on the other hand, you accept the installation, the next time you will have to use the remote connection from the software that will be installed on your computer. You will have an icon on your desktop.